Reset February
Isn’t January supposed to feel like a never ending month? It’s 1st of February today and I’m finding myself wondering if i took all the rest i promised myself to get in January? It has been a wonderful creative month for me; in darkness and sleepiness due to the lack of light, but still. Ive decided to rebirth my company VALRYGG studio to become what i always wanted it to be; a place to be inspired to live truly in the now - helping people reconnect with living closer to them self, their community and to nature. I’m not sure how i will translate all this into my business yet (I have some ideas I’m working on), but i know that this is what truly inspire me.
Our REIKA housing concept has been received very well among friends and strangers form around the world. I’m happy to share that after building some successful homes last year, we are taking the next step to make REIKA more available for everyone. More about this later :)
Maybe rest doesn’t have to be about staying still - but to create a space for your self to think, to be creative and to allow your dreams to materialize? Watching eagles flying by my window, I’m realizing the winter is not over yet. It’s still time to rest - at least for two more months :)